Experience of leadership often happens from the early stages of a research career, but is not necessarily accompanied by formal recognition and opportunity for leadership training. So how do researchers develop their leadership capabilities and articulate them to others?
Researcher, recognise and present yourself as a leader #vitaechat
17 March (8pm - 9pm) GMT
During this live Twitter chat devoted to the theme of leadership, on 17 March, the host will lead participants through a discussion of leadership experiences for early career researchers and how researchers develop and apply their leadership skills, in order to step up to increasing recognition and authority as a leader.
How all researchers are leaders #vitaechat
7 April (11am - 12am) BST
We will meet again on the #vitaechat stream on 7 April for a discussion on influence, authority and responsibility for researchers and their potential as a future leader in academia.
Join one of the Twitter discussions on the #vitaechat stream