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Postdoctoral Positions in Spintronics on Magnetic Skyrmions The recent discovery of nanometer-size whirling magnetic structures named magnetic skyrmions has opened a new path to manipulate magnetization at the nanoscale [1,2]....
4 Clinical Research Fellowships at the University of Cambridge Clinical Research Fellowships x4 (Fixed Term) £32,478-£57,444 Funded by the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre; located in various departments across the University Ref...
Google AI Residency Program The Google AI Residency Program (formerly known as the Google Brain Residency Program) is a 12-month role designed to advance your career in machine learning research....
Laboratory Science Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program SALARY AND BENEFITS The salary is a max of $65,000 a year and is commensurate with experience. FPHNY offers a comprehensive benefits package. PROGRAM OVERVIEW A major...
Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships Université de Sherbrooke is looking for creative, talented researchers with a background and interest in quantum information, quantum materials or quantum engineering....
Πέμ, 13/10/2016 - 12:29

JRC scientists commented on a recent article that appeared in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research concerning the use of "volume-specific surface area" (VSSA) for classification of nanomaterials.

Πέμ, 13/10/2016 - 12:28

On 11 October, the JRC launched a new online in-house Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies.

Πέμ, 13/10/2016 - 12:27

International workshop on alternative non-animal approaches to skin sensitisation assessment of chemicals and meeting of the International Cooperation of Alternative Test Methods (ICATM), 4-6th October 2016, JRC, Ispra.

Τρί, 11/10/2016 - 12:22

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις Καθηγητών σε Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα.

Τρί, 11/10/2016 - 11:57

In collaboration with the Technical University Dresden, JRC scientists demonstrated the applicability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a screening method for the quantification of three engineered nanoparticles, i.e.

Τρί, 11/10/2016 - 09:59

Το Ινστιτούτο Ηλεκτρονικής Δομής και Λέιζερ (ΙΗΔΛ) του Ιδρύματος Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (ΙΤΕ), σε συνεργασία με την Ευρωπαϊκή Τεχνολογική Πλατφόρμα Νανοϊατρικής (


11 θέσεις καθηγητών σε Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα (05/01/2017)

Ιαν 05, 2017

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις καθηγητών σε Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

Improving the prediction of exposure to chemicals from food packaging

Ιαν 05, 2017 11:36

The JRC – hosting the European Reference Laboratory on Food Contact Materials – contributed to a study to showing the impact of the nature of food in its "attractiveness" to contaminants from plastic packaging. The focus was on the migration of the chemical compound benzophenone from low-density polyethylene. The study revealed how specific foods and packaging polymers interact (mathematics of transfer of components from packaging into foods) to better predict migration and ultimately exposure to chemicals from food contact materials.

Water purification by Mother Nature and its benefits for society

Ιαν 05, 2017 11:35

Water for drinking, home and public use, as well as for agriculture and industry is provided for free by Mother Nature or, as scientists and policy-makers put it, by ecosystem services. A study led by the JRC puts the benefits of this "free" service at €16 billion a year at European level, a conservative estimate in terms of actual consumption by economic sectors and households.

Assessing drug-induced cardiotoxicity in vitro

Ιαν 05, 2017 11:34

In a collaborative effort, the JRC and three European partner organisations gathered lacking knowledge necessary to develop predictive in vitro tests that can identify the risk for the development of cumulative dose-dependent cardiotoxicity of cancer patients treated with anthracyclines.

Further information: Assessing drug-induced cardiotoxicity in vitro


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