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Υποτροφίες Εξωτερικού

Εγγραφή στο Ροή Υποτροφίες Εξωτερικού
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PhD and MSc Scholarships in Water Quality Management

Δευ, 12/10/2020 - 09:08

The Department of Advanced Science and Technology Convergence of Kyungpook National University (Sangu Campus) offers a PhD scholarship (~ 3 years) and a MSc scholarship (~ 2 years) for highly motivated and exceptional students, starting from the 2021 academic year (March/2021). The scholarship programs are research based and require publishing of research results in reputed academic journals. The PhD and MSc candidates will be involved in a government-funded research project.

240 Υποτροφίες στο Εξωτερικό (10/10/2020)

Σάβ, 10/10/2020 - 21:41

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

PhD Student Positions in the Computational & Experimental Plant Sciences

Σάβ, 10/10/2020 - 00:02

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Understanding Complex Plant Traits using Computational and Evolutionary Approaches is a local collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) and the Universities in Cologne and Düsseldorf, Germany. The IMPRS was established in 2002 and offers an international PhD programme in English. Students are closely supervised by an advisory committee, receive training in professional skills and are supported to share their scientific insights.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα, Νοέμβριος 16, 2020

2 PhD Positions in Rigorous Analysis of Local Search

Παρ, 09/10/2020 - 15:17

Two PhD Position at University of Twente (UT) and Maastricht University (UM) are available within an NWO project on probabilistic analysis of algorithms, called "Rigorous Analysis of Local Search".

The positions are at the group Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming (DMMP) of UT and at the Operations Research group of the Quantitative Economics department of MU. DMMP currently consists of 12 faculty members. The Department of Quantitative Economics of UM consists of over 20 faculty members, of which 6 are part of the Operations Research group.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Τρίτη, Δεκέμβριος 1, 2020

30 Υποτροφίες από το Ίδρυμα Αριστοκλή Καββαδά

Παρ, 09/10/2020 - 09:25

Το Φιλανθρωπικό Ίδρυμα με την επωνυμία "Ίδρυμα Αριστοκλή Καββαδά" ανακοινώνει τη χορήγηση 30 οικονομικά βοηθήματα σε άτομα που κατάγονται από το Βλυχό Λευκάδας και φοιτούν στο Λύκειο ή σε ανώτερο και ανώτατο πανεπιστημιακό ίδρυμα ή μετέχουν σε μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στο εσωτερικό ή στο εξωτερικό.

Αναλυτικότερα στο αρχείο που επισυνάπτεται.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή, Νοέμβριος 27, 2020

PhD Positions in Biomedical Machine Learning and Data Science

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:52

The Munich School for Data Science (MUDS) has open PhD positions for students with a background in computer science, data science or similar, or one of the domain sciences biomedicine, plasma physics, earth observation and robotics with a very strong focus in computer science, data science or similar, or interdisciplinary study programs combining both (e.g. geoinformatics, bioinformatics).

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα, Νοέμβριος 23, 2020

5 PhD Positions at Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:44

The call offers up to 5 PhD Student positions at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM:

4 PhD positions with regard to the "Severo Ochoa" accreditation in the following areas: Core in Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulations, Computational Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics.
1 PhD position with regard to "Real-time Inversion Using Deeo Learning Methods" research project led by David Pardo and Vincenzo Nava.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Τρίτη, Οκτώβριος 27, 2020

Two PhD Researchers at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:39

The Humanities Cluster of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is a collaboration between three research institutes: the Huygens Institute for Dutch History, the International Institute for Social History (IISH) and the Meertens Institute for Dutch Language and Culture. The institutes are committed to groundbreaking research in the humanities, in which innovative (digital) methods play an important role.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Κυριακή, Νοέμβριος 1, 2020

Two PhD positions in Experimental Mineral Physics

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:37

The Experimental Mineral Physics group at the Department of Earth Sciences applies a high-​pressure and high-​temperature experimental approach mainly using a laser-​heated diamond anvil cell technique to reproduce the deep Earth's condition in the laboratory. With this method, the group is trying to clarify the issues including the determination of density, crystal structure, elasticity and chemistry of the deep Earth's materials to understand the mineralogical model and evolution of the Earth's deep interior.

Doctoral students in simulations and experiments with complex fluids

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:14

To design cost-and resource-efficient yet safe processes, we need a better understanding of the flow of the materials that are processed, It is crucial to characterize yield-stress materials, also in the presence of additives. Within the EU project YIELDGAP, we are looking for 3 PhD students to study viscoplastic and elastoviscoplastic fluids.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα, Νοέμβριος 30, 2020

Doctoral students in data science

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:10

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan is looking for highly-qualified and motivated individuals to pursue a PhD in the area of data science. The prospect PhD students will join a research team in KTH led by professor Aristides Gionis ( /). The research team focuses on developing novel methods to extract knowledge from data, modeling large-scale complex systems, and exploring new application areas in data science.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Πέμπτη, Οκτώβριος 29, 2020

Doctoral students in Social Robotics

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 22:06

The scientific work will be conducted in the scope of one of the following projects:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή, Οκτώβριος 23, 2020

3 PhD positions “Integrated Photonics” at University of Twente

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 17:39

University of Twente is looking for 3 PhD students who carry out technological and fundamental research on hybrid integrated semiconductor lasers and nonlinear optical conversion using integrated photonic circuits. The PhD students will work towards three directions:

Doctoral students in Biomicrofluidics

Πέμ, 08/10/2020 - 07:08

Antibiotic resistance is a global health problem caused by the use and misuse of antibiotics. To improve treatment efficacy, reduce resistance development and prolong the lifespan of existing and future antibiotics they must be used only for bacterial infections and when the bacterium is antibiotic susceptible. This will require rapid and reliable diagnostics to identify the bacteria and their resistance profile—the focus of this research.

Postdoctoral positions to study Salmonella pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance

Τετ, 07/10/2020 - 23:52

Two postdoctoral fellowships are available in the laboratory of Dr. Vazquez-Torres in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine to study the adaptive responses that allow the intracellular pathogen Salmonella to survive professional phagocytes while resisting commonly used antibiotics.

Ph.D. Positions in Biology, Computer Science, Data Science & Scientific Computing, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics

Τετ, 07/10/2020 - 20:13

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is looking for highly qualified candidates with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees to apply for the IST Austria PhD program. Ir offers fully-funded PhD positions in Biology, Neuroscience, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Data science and Scientific Computing, in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna.

Students spend the first year completing coursework and rotations before choosing a thesis group. Our PhD graduates have gone on to top positions in academia and industry all over the world.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή, Ιανουάριος 8, 2021

15 Early Stage Researchers in Computer Graphics at Charles University

Τετ, 07/10/2020 - 20:07

Eight organisations from all across Europe are looking for 15 Early-Stage Researchers in the field of Computer Graphics, for the PRIME (Predictive Rendering In Manufacture and Engineering) project.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή, Οκτώβριος 30, 2020

2 PhD Student Positions in Egyptology at University of Basel

Τετ, 07/10/2020 - 19:56

The Department of Ancient Civilizations of the University of Basel invites applications for two PhD Student positions in Egyptology, from February 1, 2021 , as part of the SNSF-funded PRIMA research project "Au-delà du texte. Les nouvelles compositions funéraires d'époque gréco-romaine: textualités et archéologie à Thèbes" led by Dr. Sandrine Vuilleumier.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Κυριακή, Νοέμβριος 8, 2020

2 PhD Positions Retirement Migration at Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Τετ, 07/10/2020 - 19:52

The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute invites applications for 2 PhD positions as part of the NWO funded project Retirement Migration: A Large-Scale Survey Study of Risks and Rewards

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Κυριακή, Νοέμβριος 15, 2020

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Contemporary Greek and Cypriot Studies at the Hellenic Observatory

Τρί, 06/10/2020 - 22:49

The purpose of the fellowship is to enable a Postdoctoral Researcher to propose and carry out a project of relevance to the Hellenic Observatory (part of the European Institute). It has been made possible by the generosity of the Hellenic Bank Association of Greece. This role is the equivalent of a Research Officer under LSE’s Research Career family.

You will have a completed PhD in social sciences, and a comprehensive and substantial knowledge of contemporary Greece and/or Cyprus.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: Κυριακή, Νοέμβριος 15, 2020



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