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19 υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (06/08/2019)

Υποτροφίες Εξωτερικού - Τρί, 06/08/2019 - 10:38

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters

Combining data from the European Space Agency’s Herschel and Gaia missions, the EU-funded StarFormMapper project aims to get a complete picture of how massive stars and star clusters form.

A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters

Combining data from the European Space Agency’s Herschel and Gaia missions, the EU-funded StarFormMapper project aims to get a complete picture of how massive stars and star clusters form.

MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it

Within Europe, perception of the EU is often positive. However, as this differs in the South, one project adopted a ‘decentred’ research approach to find out why, what the implications are, and what can be changed.

MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it

Within Europe, perception of the EU is often positive. However, as this differs in the South, one project adopted a ‘decentred’ research approach to find out why, what the implications are, and what can be changed.

The DIffuse Galaxy Expansion SignaTures In Various Observables project: understanding the emergence of diffuse, low surface brightness galaxies and the link to their dark matter haloes

The DIGESTIVO project has considerably advanced our understanding of low surface brightness galaxies. In doing so, they have found dark matter in a new type of very low surface brightness object where it was previously reported not to be present.

Understanding the Origin of Cosmic Structure

The EU-funded CosmicDawn project is using theoretical and observational research to better understand the origins of our universe.

With the 2009 launch of the Planck satellite, the European Space Agency (ESA set out to image the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation left over from the Big Bang. Although large volumes of data on the early universe have since been collected, a lot of questions remain unanswered: Where did the initial fluctuations in the density of the universe come from? Why is the universe so big but mostly empty? Why is it so spatially flat?

Investigating the mechanisms that shape galaxies in and around massive clusters

Not all galaxies are made equal. Some are isolated, some thrive in groups like our very own Milky Way, and some are part of mega-structures called galaxy clusters. By running first-of-their-kind simulations of these clusters, Dr Yannick Bahé successfully addresses a missing link in the scientific understanding of galaxy formation.

Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade

The EU-funded BeyondPlanck project is taking an iterative approach to detecting the primordial gravity waves created during the Big Bang.

One of modern physics biggest achievements is the development of high-precision cosmology, or the science of the origin and development of the universe. Using the leftover heat from the Big Bang, known as cosmic microwave background (CMB), cosmologists have pinpointed such important cosmological parameters as the age and energy content of the universe to per cent accuracy.

11 Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (05/08/2019)

Υποτροφίες Εξωτερικού - Δευ, 05/08/2019 - 10:05

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

20 υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό (02/08/2019)

Υποτροφίες Εξωτερικού - Παρ, 02/08/2019 - 11:44

Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.

Executive Manager at EPFL Space Center

The EPFL Space Center (eSpace) is looking for an Executive Manager to manage the Center and its recent research initiative on Sustainable Space Logistics.

Further details:
Executive Manager at EPFL Space Center

Predictive Computational Metallurgy

While mixing innovative semiconductor materials holds the key to keeping Moore’s Law on track, metal alloys have not yet experienced a similar exponential improvement in performance. New computational models linking materials at different scales provide the key to developing stronger and more durable metal alloys highly valued in engineering applications.

Pangea Aerospace - Launch Vehicles for small satellites (payload capacity up to 150kg), wich provide affordable access to space tailored to the micro/nano satellite market

Small satellites are a booming market. With hundreds of microsatellites on the drawing board, a major boost would be finding a cost-effective way to launch them with a dedicated vehicle.

Owing to the advancements in satellite miniaturisation and electronics technology, the exploitation of Space assets for Earth observation, telecommunications, and Internet-connected objects is becoming more popular. These developments are bringing Space within reach of a wide range of private companies and it is no longer the preserve of a handful of governments with well-funded Space programmes.

Molecular mechanisms controlling endodermis and exodermis differentiation in tomato roots

Climate change means the soil available for growing crops may become dryer and more saline. European scientists have investigated the molecular mechanisms implicated in root development in saline conditions.

Plant roots have developed mechanisms to control the entrance of solutes and water. Take for example, the modification of the cell wall in specific root cell types that serve as physical barriers to control uptake from soil. These modifications involve, among other compounds, polymers of lignin and suberin.

Recognising Energy Efficiency Value in Residential Buildings

The benefits of energy efficiency (EE) measures aren’t recognised in building appraisals, and this is a major barrier to investment. Better guidance on the value of EE could significantly boost investor confidence.


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